Now that warmer weather is here and the ice is off the lake, it is a good time for sharing a few reminders for this time of year just for your information.
Open burning of debris and yard waste.
As we know once the snow is gone, things get pretty dry pretty fast. Please be sure to check the DNR Burn Permit Map at before burning to make sure it is allowed. And obviously don’t burn if it is windy out even if open burning is permitted.
Also remember that the Coldsprings Township fireworks ordinance prohibits the use of fireworks if open burning is prohibited per the DNR map.
I’m sure you have all seen previously posted information about how bad fertilizer is for our lake. (see article below.) It is worth noting that there is also state law about the use of fertilizers near water.
Part 85 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act prohibits the use of phosphorus containing fertilizers except under certain exemptions.
Sec. 8512b.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2), (3), (4), or (5), a person shall not apply to turf a fertilizer labeled as containing the plant nutrient available phosphate (P2O5).
More importantly the act restricts the use of phosphorus containing fertilizer near surface waters.
(6) A person shall not apply fertilizer to turf within 15 feet of any surface water, unless 1 or more of the following apply:
(a) A continuous natural vegetative buffer at least 10 feet wide separates the turf from the surface water.
(b) A spreader guard, deflector shield, or drop spreader is used when applying the fertilizer, and the fertilizer is not applied within 3 feet of the surface water.
(7) A person shall not clean a fertilizer spreader that is used to apply fertilizer to turf in a manner that allows wash water from the spreader to discharge directly into waters of this state, including, but not limited to, a drain under the drain code of 1956, 1956 PA 40, MCL 280.1 to 280.630.
Over the last couple of years some lake residents have expressed concern about the increasing placement of buoys in the lake. It is worth noting that placement of buoys is also regulated under Part 801 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act.
Sec. 80159.
A person shall not place a beacon or buoy, other than a mooring buoy, in the waters of this state except as authorized by a permit issued by the department pursuant to part 13. The department may issue a permit for the placing of buoys or beacons in the waters of this state to mark obstruction to navigation, to designate bathing areas, to designate vessel anchorages, or for any other purpose if it will promote safety or navigation. An application for a permit shall contain information required by the department. If buoys or beacons are placed in the waters of this state without a permit having been issued, the department may order their removal. If, in the judgment of the department, buoys or beacons authorized by the department are found to be improperly placed, the reason for their placement no longer exists, or the buoys or beacons do not conform to the uniform system of marking established by state regulation, the department may revoke the permit authorizing their placement and may order their removal. Revocation of permits and orders of removal shall be by written notice to the person placing the buoys or beacons or to the person to whom the permit was issued at his or her last known address, directing the removal within a specified time. The person to whom the notice is directed shall remove the buoys or beacons in accordance with the instructions. If the person fails to remove the buoys or beacons within the specified time, the department may cause their removal, and the cost and expense of the removal shall be charged against the person authorized to place the buoys or beacons or, where authorization has not been granted, the person placing such buoys or beacons and shall be recoverable through any court of competent jurisdiction.